About the Create With Code Dragon Blog

about the code dragon blog dragon eye design

Hello there!  It’s so nice to have you here at the Create With Code Dragon blog.  Thank you for visiting, and we hope to chat with you sometime so we can get to know each other.

About us:

At Code Dragon Design & Development, we are Christopher and Angela Bronson – a husband and wife team of web developers and designers, based out of a small town in beautiful Litchfield County, Connecticut. (Angela was originally from the great state of New Hampshire, though).

Angela has been drawing and painting (and generally being creative) since she was a child, and Christopher has a brain meant for code, analysis, and noticing minute details. We are also the parents of twins (teenagers now!) who really keep us on our toes.

We both come from a corporate background, working for several years in the insurance industry. We also have nearly 20 years of experience in pretty near all aspects of web development, as well as expertise in graphic design, illustration, painting and other forms of fine art.

angie and chris

About our business and blog name:

We chose the name “Code Dragon Design & Development” for our business because of our near-obsession with science fantasy, creativity, and basically for anything mythical – and because of our children, who have wonderful imaginations. (and because dragons are just generally really cool!)

Our son writes the funniest short stories about his pet turtles (named Dr. Pepper and Butterscotch). Our daughter has drawn pretty amazing dragons since she was quite little. The joy and creativity of those stories and drawings were the inspiration for us starting our own creative small business. And so dragons are very near and dear to our hearts.

We also have two Pugs, two cats and a gecko at home, so it’s like a zoo around here!  : )
pug santa

About creativity:

Our philosophy on creativity:  as human beings we are meant to emulate and reflect the qualities of our Creator, and to touch the lives of others with these qualities.

One of these qualities is the ability and the freedom to express ourselves through the act of creation. The need to create exists within all of us – a deep yearning to be creative through fine art, dance, music, or in a multitude of other ways. Without the ability or the opportunity to express ourselves in some way, our spirits will eventually wither.

While the main over-arching topic of our blog is web design (and web development), the larger purpose of the blog is to celebrate the act and the process of creativity in all of its forms
It is our sincere desire that you will find some ideas here that will ignite a spark of creativity in your own life!

— Angie & Chris & family